About The North Orange County Computer Club (NOCCC)

The NOCCC has been around since 1976 in one form or another. Our mission is simply to help one another in our pursuit of trying to co-exist with computers. Our method is to provide (1) a physical meeting place for verbal communication, (2) an electronic meeting place for electronic communication, and (3) several venues where ‘birds of a feather’ can get together (special interest groups – SIGS).

We have secured a meeting place on Chapman University Campus in the City of Orange, Orange County, CA. The facilities are very nice and we very much appreciate the symbiotic relationship. The one caveat is that we must meet on Sundays, when the buildings are not in use by the University. Our meeting day is divided into (1) SIG meetings in the morning, (2) Lunch at noon in the Hashinger Science Building courtyard (bring your own brownbag), and (3) the Main Meeting in the Irvine Hall on the other side of the courtyard. So, a person can attend as much or as little as they want. Meeting only once a month, most members don’t find this too much of a religious imposition. Or maybe, this day fulfills their religious duties just fine.

For a single member (regardless of your marital status), the dues are $35 per year. Other arrangements are possible – see the ‘Dues’ link. We have a raffle at each Main Meeting. Prizes are things like flash drives, mouses, books, etc. Tickets are $1 each, but quantity deals are available.  Coffee and (usually) some pastry is available, but we are requested to not eat in the lecture hall. So come early – check the ‘Calendar’ menu pick for times.

We publish a monthly newsletter: The Orange Bytes. Users receive a copy of it via this web site. The Newsletter is in a state of transition at present. It often contains book reviews, technical articles, personnel lists, and more. We try not to duplicate information between the Website and Newsletter, but some is allowed. Currently, a new editor is being sought. An archive of past Newsletters going back over 10 years is available from this site.

Since we are a strictly volunteer organization, we welcome members volunteering for a variety of jobs. Maybe you like to do research and write articles. We encourage that. Maybe you like to read books or investigate new products and write reviews. Ditto on that. Maybe you are an expert on some aspect of computer hardware, computer software, networking anything, or anything computer-related and like to make speeches, mega-dittos on that. Or maybe you just like to stay ‘under the radar’ and take it all in – no problem.

We like archiving. Under the ‘Archives’ menu pick, you can access Orange Bytes PDF’s all the way back to 2002. Feel free to read up on previous articles or personnel.  If you contribute something in writing to the Newsletter, your thoughts will be imortalized for researchers visiting our planet in the 29th century, if we survive the end-of-days predictions.

So, please consider joining. You can be one of the ‘friends helping friends’.

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