October 2015 Meeting

150926-D026WSIG Leader: John Krill #3160

Meeting Time Is Now At 12:00 PM

Since I couldn’t make the Sunday meeting I guess the count was Zero.

Leader Is Sick With The Flu

I will try to post some interesting info on the SIGs blog and the first item is on the Eye and Color. Our eye calculates color differently from the classic sense. Watch the video I already posted.

More fun posts to come.

User Questions

If you do have question the email me at the address below or go to the sig blog and leave a comment.

NEW and Exciting Developments at NOCCC

We now have our own Facebook page. To find the Club’s Facebook account just do a Google search for Computer Club NOCCC and one of the listing will be for our Facebook account. If you are use Facebook make sure you LIKE the NOCCC page.

November Meeting

I haven’t decided on a subject for the meeting. If you have any ideas just show up at the meeting and tell us what you need to know. The questions we get during the meeting really keep me on my toes.

PS: You have any ideas?

Standard Stuff That Is Always In This Report

If you have a special request for information regarding digital photography let me know. E-mail me using the address listed below.

Check out the SIG BLog for other information and maybe info on what we will discuss at the next meeting.

As always we will answer any and all questions.

If you have a special request for information regarding digital photography let me know. E-mail me using the address listed below.

See you at the next meeting.

Where the Pictures From The Main Meeting Go To Die

Note: I am using a new Web location for the photos I take at the meeting. I now upload the photos I take to Microsoft OneDrive and flickr. A link will be put here every month to the folder location with the current month’s photos.

OneDrive: None
flickr: None

SIG BLog: https://nocccbgphotosig.wordpress.com/ You’re already there so just stay!

Email: noccc.bgphotosig@gmail.com

September 2015 Meeting

NOCCC Energy GlobsSIG Leader: John Krill #3160

Meeting Time Is Now At 12:30 PM

We had 5 members at the meeting.

Lenses And Speed

There have been many false facts put out on Youtube on the properties of lenses and what happens when you put a lens on a camera is wasn’t designed for. This comes up mostly with Canon and Nikon lenses.

What is the focal length of a lens? Simply put it is the distance from the center of the lens to its focus point. The focal length of a lens NEVER changes no matter what sensor size. So a 50mm lens on a full frame sensor is 50mm and a 50mm lens on a APC-S camera is still 50mm. If it wasn’t it you could never focus a sharp image. Yes the apparent focal length will change but that is because the image created by a 50mm full frame lens overlaps the APC-S sensor.

What is the Speed of a lens. Though it’s called speed it is not a quantitative measurement but a ratio. The speed (N) of a lens is the ratio of the focallength (f) of the lens to the largest diameter (D) of the aperture of the lens.

N = f / D

This number NEVER changes. It is a property of the lens and not the camera body it is attached to.

Confusion comes when you put a full frame lens on a APC-S camera body. A few misguided fellows on Youtube believe you have a reduction of lens speed whenever you put a full frame lens on an APC-S camera body. NOT TRUE.

When you change f-stops on the lens the light is reduced uniformly across the sensor. Yes some of the light falls outside the APC-S sensor but that doesn’t affect the light that falls on the sensor.

Also one fellow on Youtube will tell you that ALL APC-S sensors are slower than full frame sensors because of the physical size. Again NOT TRUE. A 50mm f/2.8 designed for a full frame sensor will put just as many photons on the full frame sensor as a 50mm f/2.8 lens designed for a APC-S sensor. That’s because the lens is designed to focus all the light on their respective sensors. Both sensors get the same amount of photons period. That is just plain physics.

So just remember this. If you use a lens designed for a specific sensor then all will be fine. The only time you lose anything is when you put a full frame lens on an APS-S camera body. And that will be some of its physical focal length.

The speed of the lens NEVER changes no matter what lens, camera body combination you use.

This was verified by one of the members:

Thanks for bringing up f-stop. I tried out an old Minolta lens for a 35 mm camera on my Sony and the exposure was as you guys said. I used manual mode to compare the old Minolta lens to a Sony lens identical for APC size sensor. They produced the results you predicted, that is they’re the same. The old lens just has a bigger D and bathes a larger area with equivalent intensity of light. Douglas Stiener

User Questions

We spent most of the remaining time answering questions. It had been very encouraging that members are bringing in their questions. Keep them coming.

NEW and Exciting Developments at NOCCC

We now have our own Facebook page. To find the Club’s Facebook account just do a Google search for Computer Club NOCCC and one of the listing will be for our Facebook account. If you are use Facebook make sure you LIKE the NOCCC page.

October Meeting

I haven’t decided on a subject for the meeting. If you have any ideas just show up at the meeting and tell us what you need to know. The questions we get during the meeting really keep me on my toes.

PS: You have any ideas?

Standard Stuff That Is Always In This Report

If you have a special request for information regarding digital photography let me know. E-mail me using the address listed below.

Check out the SIG BLog for other information and maybe info on what we will discuss at the next meeting.

As always we will answer any and all questions.

If you have a special request for information regarding digital photography let me know. E-mail me using the address listed below.

See you at the next meeting.

Where the Pictures From The Main Meeting Go To Die

Note: I am using a new Web location for the photos I take at the meeting. I now upload the photos I take to Microsoft OneDrive and flickr. A link will be put here every month to the folder location with the current month’s photos.

OneDrive: http://1drv.ms/1iuDKvz
flickr: http://tinyurl.com/nob42nz

SIG BLog: https://nocccbgphotosig.wordpress.com/

Email: noccc.bgphotosig@gmail.com

Great Tips On How To Use Your iPhone Camera

Yes it’s iPhone specific but all smartphone users and anyone else taking pictures should pay attention to what she has to say.

August 2015 Meeting Report

150809-D007WSIG Leader: John Krill #3160

Meeting Time Is Now 12:30 PM

We had 5 members at the meeting.

Small Meeting

This being Summer we usually get a small group at these meetings. August was no exception. We spent most of the meeting talking about what each of us is doing with our cameras during the Summer months.

User Questions

We spent most of the remaining time answering questions. It had been very encouraging that members are bringing in their questions. Keep them coming.

What Does The Camera Control In Program and Auto Modes?

More advanced cameras such as Digital Single Lens Reflex, DSLR, have the ability to allow the photographer to control many aspects of the camera. But there are two options that give the camera more control of the camera’s operation.

Program Mode: In this mode the camera controls the Aperture & Shutter Speed. The photographer still has control of everything else, such as ISO and White Balance.

Auto Mode: Simply put with the camera in Auto Mode it controls everything. All the photographer needs to do is Point & Shoot. Picture taken.

Adobe’s Creative Cloud Service?

This one as kept everyone confused primarily because Adobe has done a terrible job of explaining what it is. Also their web site is confusing and I think for a reason. For instance if you have an existing product and you just want to upgrade to the latest version it is tricky getting to the page that explains pricing and weather you CAN upgrade.

Follow this guide to get to the ordering page that lets you do an upgrade.

Adobe.com >>   Click the MENU Icon and Select All Products at the bottom of the page. Select a product and Click the Buy link. From this page select the version you want. For me it was Lightroom Desktop. Yes it’s for the Full Version but on the next page you can change that to Upgrade. At I want to Buy change it using the drop-down menu to Upgrade. And then select your current version, I Own, with the drop-down list to select your current version. Done I hope.

Photoshop and Lightroom CC?

If you want the Creative Cloud, CC, version of these two products select Creative Cloud from the Menu Icon and scroll down to the bottom of the page and there it is! Select Buy under Photographers. This option includes: Photoshop CC plus Lightroom for desktop, mobile and web for US$9.99/mo. Clear?

NEW and Exciting Developments at NOCCC

We now have our own Facebook page. To find the Club’s Facebook account just do a Google search for Computer Club NOCCC and one of the listing will be for our Facebook account. If you are use Facebook make sure you LIKE the NOCCC page.

September Meeting

I haven’t decided on a subject for the meeting. If you have any ideas just show up at the meeting and tell us what you need to know. The questions we get during the meeting really keep me on my toes.

PS: You have any ideas?

Standard Stuff That Is Always In This Report

If you have a special request for information regarding digital photography let me know. E-mail me using the address listed below.

Check out the SIG BLog for other information and maybe info on what we will discuss at the next meeting.

As always we will answer any and all questions.

If you have a special request for information regarding digital photography let me know. E-mail me using the address listed below.

See you at the next meeting.

Where the Pictures From The Main Meeting Go To Die

Note: I am using a new Web location for the photos I take at the meeting. I now upload the photos I take to Microsoft OneDrive and flickr. A link will be put here every month to the folder location with the current month’s photos.

OneDrive: http://1drv.ms/1UPbC4i

flickr: http://tinyurl.com/ozvc2h9

SIG BLog: https://nocccbgphotosig.wordpress.com/

Email: noccc.bgphotosig@gmail.com

Pricing For Photoshop CC with Lightroom CC

Adobe has some confusing web pages and by using SMALL font size when it describes a product you can miss what lies behind the small print.

At yesterdays NOCCC meeting of the Beginning Digital Photography SIG we didn’t examine the small print on this and other pages but the reality is that nothing has changed.

You can still purchase Photoshop CC AND Lightroom CC as a package for $10/Month.

Here is the page with the various plans. The one we are interested in is the “Photography” plan. Be sure to read all the FINE print.

The Adobe CC Plans: https://creative.adobe.com/plans

Tidbits For June 2015

Dust Matters. Are You Sure?

If you really think dust is a problem when inside a lens think again. Here’s a post from LensRentals that shows you why dust doesn’t matter.


Photography and YouTube: Where to Start

The Candid Frame with Ibarionex Perello

Ibarionex Perello is the host and producer of The Candid Frame Photography podcast. He is a photographer as well as the author of Chasing the Light: Improving Your Photography Using Available Light.


Art of Photography with Ted Forbes


Tony and Chelsea Northrup


DigitalRev TV: Camera and Lens Reviews.


The Camera Store: Camera and Lens Reviews